Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Midweek Rambling ...

So this week has already been a crazy , exciting, updside down week where once again time has completely evaporated into thin air... complete hours have simply vanished ... Is it me or is it funny how time , while scientifically calculated is exact but in reality some time moves faster or slower than others ??? Take for instance... when you have big plans for the weekend or a vacation -  time seems to
C R E E P by .. nothing can speed it up ... but when it's time to actually go there never seems enough time to PACK, wash the dog, do the laundry so you can pack , stop the paper , water the plants, finish up the last e-mail at work  - the list goes on and on ... mind you I don't have any plans for vacation any time soon but am certainly trying to find the time to are work on that too ....  In the meantime , I long for those Norman Rockwell moments where time seems to slow down ... to sit in my new vintage style chairs that remind me of my great great grandmothers yard ... and sip sweet tea ( vodka but don't tell ) , and simply be....  So as we head into a long holiday weekend  my hope for all my friends is that you can hurry up getting everything done so that you can slow down and enjoy friends, family, burgers on the grill, iced cold beer, a few fabulous fireworks , and the independence our soldiers and those before them fight so hard to give us !

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